Webrings and the Small Web
I spent a good amount of time browsing from site to site thanks to webring and blogrolls from son personal sites I follow
So, today was quite a productive day for me, despite what the title may imply. Tuesdays are some of the most time-consuming days for me. I have to do the dishes, clean up the dog’s business, collect and take out the trash, get dirty clothes ready for washing and many other chores that I do because there’s no day as free for me as this one, speaking of school and other work.
Of course, it really isn’t that much of a deal since my computer managed to stay on for 5 hours today, according to ActivityWatch, which can be a bit buggy sometimes, but it is mostly believable.
So, during that time I actually spent quite a lot of times browsing random websites from all sorts of places, with a single mission in my head: To find as many buttons as possible. What do I mean you may say? Well I wanted to see how many of these I could find:

These badges of a size of 88x31 got the better out of me, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post. After that I ended up making one for my website and one for Void Linux, 100DaysToOffload and the 512kb Club. These badges used to be very common back in the day, and they still are in a lot of small sites, usually those belonging to neocities, inspired by the old web and the like.
Anyway, I already talked a bit about them yesterday, even if it was in a very quick manner. Turns out it used to be (or probably still is?) a standard size for ads back in the day, known as a Micro Bar, interesting stuff!
Regardless, I came across a bunch of sites, I made use of webrings, which is, as the name implies, a bunch of websites that link to one another in a link. You may have noticed I belong to one of them in the bottom of this website, the Fediring, which is made of a bunch of blogs and digital gardens that belong to users of the Fediverse platforms (a.k.a. fedizens). Here’s an example:
Of course, webrings have been a thing for a long time, and some of the websites I came across also belonged to others, such as the Yesterweb Ring or the Geekring.
So, yeah, I kinda want to join some more of these. I feel like I am acting like a kid or something. I never really got to live the golden years of the web and now that I’ve been blogging for 2 years and counting, I feel like I want to try to make up for it now.
Besides, the Fediverse is growing and I am hopeful a future where blogs also make a comeback in the mainstream gets to happen. Maybe I am too optimistic, but even so, if everything stays underground, that’s fine by me too.
By the way, I decided to do a bit a thing. Since I recently opened my blogroll, I decided that if you have a website too and you feature my button there, perhaps your own blogroll (or maybe a special section for buttons?), you can send me yours and I’ll do the same. Here’s mine:
As long as your website is not illegal, of course. I will give a preference to Void Linux users, btw :P
This is day 36 of #100DaysToOffload
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