February 2022 Summary

An overview of what I did when it comes to consuming media and spending my free time during February 2022.

So, as Iā€™ve said before, I wanted to keep track of my habits and media consumption, so I decided to track myself, and I since I have not made a blog in a while, I thought it would be a good idea to come back and do something simple like this. I really liked Lazybearā€™s approach where he mentions points he enjoyed about the content he consumed, so I decided to do the same too, if only a bit.



I read quite a lot of manga, especially the last couple weeks ot February, I just scrolled through my anilist feed, but I should be able to automatically get this if I check their API for a bit. This is what I got manually so far.

So, yeah I read quite a lot, but thatā€™s what happens when I start a new hobby, at least for me.



I didnā€™t really listened to a lot of music this time, I tend to do so while sleeping, but lately Iā€™ve felt like playing background raining sounds via another podcast that uploads such content (I also wanted to avoid messing up my Spotify stats).

I listened to a bunch of Haloā€™s soundtrack while reading Kingdom, it fit quite nicely.

For some reason ListenBrainz is down while writing this, so yeah, I also listened to some of Evangelionā€™s sountrack and Chrono Triggerā€™s too.


I rewatched Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, because its a fantastic movie and I was trying out Jellyfin a bit.

Screen Time

I keep track of these things with ActivityWatch, although it hasnā€™t been updated in a while, it works just fine.

Iā€™ll only share my phone stats because I still donā€™t setup my computer properly, but Alacritty and Firefox are at the top there. And I used my computer for 127 hours total, according to the tracker.

I wonā€™t really share all of my phone stats either, because I also donā€™t really know how to plot them in a graph and such yet. But here are some of the numbers.

Overall, I spent a total of 293 hours in my phone during February. Which is probably a lot of time, but I hope I can calm down this month.

Wrapping up

I always have a hard time when getting into new hobbies, it happened with Rubikā€™s cubes, where I spent whole days tracking my speed, when I got into trying out PSP mods and plugins, or the first time I flashed a custom ROM for my phone. This is only normal, at least for me, I know I should try to not interrupt my life that bad, but man, Kingdom was just too good to put aside.


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